Reflections on
I was just forwarded an article by my friend Barry Martin,
By Kiara Windrider
October 15, 2019
The revenge of gaia
British biologist James Lovelock introduced the term, Gaia Hypothesis, putting into scientific language what indigenous people around the world have known all along, that the Earth is a living being with her own feedback loops designed to maintain all the conditions necessary for sustaining life. Just as we have blood pumping through arteries, veins and capillaries, Earth has her own circulatory system which includes rivers, lakes and oceans.
Just as we have lungs that help us breathe, she has her plankton and her forests. She has complex feedback loops that regulate her temperature, the salinity of the oceans, jet streams across the sky, and the balance of nutrients. Mycelium in the root system of trees represent a rudimentary nervous system that links everything together. The waters of the Earth function as a memory field.
All living species as well as inorganic rocks and minerals have a role in creating and maintaining this balance of life, which extends deep into the interior of the earth, and far out into space. This intricately complex interactive system, including all plants, minerals, insects, reptiles, birds, animals and humans, can be perceived as a single organism, Gaia.
Just as we have subtle bodies that are invisible to the physical senses, so Gaia also has an invisible realm, including nature spirits which were known in older traditions as the devas, the apus, or the sidhe. These have a role in nurturing and supporting the physical development of species. We could go further and refer to the Soul of Gaia, a field of conscious intelligence that includes all species of life, visible and invisible, but also existing independently of her physical body, connecting her with planets, suns, galaxies and life forms across the universe.
We are here on this earth not only for our own personal evolution, but also to support the further evolution of our planet. We’re deluded enough to think that our purpose here is simply to muddle through our fragmented lives and endlessly consume resources that Mother Earth generously provides. We forget that it is Gaia who has given us birth, she who sustains us, and she who can also destroy us if necessary. Like every species, we’re simply passing through for a moment in geological time, and can be replaced if we no longer serve an evolutionary purpose.
I used to worry that humans had the power to destroy the Earth. I no longer think so. We are here only because Gaia chooses for us to remain. She has her own immune system, capable of bringing herself back into a state of equilibrium, with or without humans. The cycle of extreme climate changes that is being initiated now is a part of this. If we persist in becoming a cancer on this Earth, hell-bent on destroying our own home, we will not survive. We are a fragile species, not very resilient to the natural forces of change. If we refuse to find our balance, it is not the survival of the Earth we need to worry about, but our own.
Having said this, is there a positive function that we serve as a species within the body of Gaia? We have been given the power to reason and to become self-reflective. We have the capacity to expand into infinite realms of Primordial Consciousness. We have the ability to touch the Mind of the Creator, and to manifest what has never before been seen. What if we represent the central nervous system of the Earth? What if our job is to support a next level of her own awakening? What if Gaia has birthed us so we can co-create with her an entirely new phase of conscious evolution? Can we rise to this challenge?
The movie Avatar offers a powerful metaphor for the choices that lie in front of us. As on Pandora, humans have become greedy and arrogant, no longer in touch with the balance of life. Gaia has been patient. Can we somehow redeem ourselves in this clash of opposing paradigms, fulfilling the role that we have been birthed for, or will we also need to be evicted from this beautiful planet?
By Kiara Windrider
October 15, 2019
Evolutionary leaps
There is another aspect of evolution which is important to grasp. Darwinian theory assumes that our journey of evolution has been slow and stately, proceeding uniformly over millions of years according to a process of natural selection. This belief also goes with a geological assumption that changes in the landscape of the Earth are likewise uniform and predictable. The present is the key to the past, they proclaim, meaning that our understanding of history must be based on our experience of biological and geological events happening today.
There is an alternate theory that many scientists are turning towards, known as catastrophism, the belief that geological and evolutionary history moves in cycles. Based on galactic and solar phenomena, as well as changing magnetic fields of the Earth, we frequently experience extinction level events followed by rapid evolution of species. There is a flurry of creative energy followed by long rest periods. There are ice ages and interglacial periods. The past is the key to the future, they state, meaning that in order to accurately understand and predict our future, we must have an awareness of long-term cycles that shaped the past.
This is a theme I have been fascinated by, ever since early high school days when I first began to enter a forbidden realm of history as popularised by Immanuel Velikovsky, Erich von Daniken, Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, Michael Crema, Paul LaViolette, Douglas Vogt, Chan Thomas and others. Ancient calendar systems, religious prophecy and esoteric astrology also provided hints for what we might expect in our planetary future.
Our current debates about climate change must also be understood in this big picture perspective. What can we expect in years and decades ahead, based on events and cycles of geological history? How can we prepare for possibly catastrophic climate changes to come? How can we wisely shape the future as guardians and custodians of the Earth?
I would like to begin this exploration with a wider understanding of the Vedic calendar system, which has to do with cycles known as yugas. Many people may be already aware of these cycles, oscillating between ages of light and ages of darkness, but perhaps not so many are aware that these cycles have to do with the journey of our own Sun and solar system around a dual Star as we circle around each other in a wider galactic orbit.
Walter Cruttenden theorises that this twin star could possibly be Sirius, which would explain why this Star has held such an exalted place among so many ancient people. The orbital spin created between these twin stars in as they circle around each other is also the basis for our precessional cycle, which in turn drives many of our evolutionary cycles.
We move into an age of light as our star moves closer to the centre of our galaxy, and then through an age of darkness as we spin further away. According to Sri Yukteswar, an Indian yogi who has made a deep study of these cycles, we have currently exited an age of darkness, known as Kali Yuga, and are ascending through an intermediary age known as Dwapara Yuga. It is an age where that which has been forgotten can now be remembered, that which has been broken can now be restored, where the hoop of life can now be mended.
The Dwapara Yuga is an age of energy and vitality. It is a time of increasing knowledge and greater freedom. But it is also an extremely dangerous time. Although the potential exists to ascend into great heights of wisdom and power, there is the danger that this knowledge can be misused for destruction, and that this vitality can be manipulated to serve narrow personal ends. May we learn to walk the razor’s edge as we explore onwards.
By Kiara Windrider
October 20, 2019
Magnetic reversals and evolutionary leaps
There seems to be a special relationship between magnetic fields and evolutionary history. We are currently experiencing rapid changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, changes that we have not experienced in a very long period of time, and changes that coincide with vast galactic as well as solar events. What are the dangers as well as the opportunities that we might expect to face during this time?
The magnetic field of the Earth is built and maintained through complex inter-relationships between the inner and outer core, outer core and mantle, mantle and crust, crust and atmosphere, and then even further out. These fields fluctuate over long cycles of time, culminating in a period of rapid and total collapse, followed by a reversal of polarity. The periodicity of these reversal cycles has been hotly debated, estimates ranging from 3 million years to 750,000 years to 12,000 years, depending on what kind of data is being used.
A study of past reversals has shown that once initiated, the entire process of reversal tends to happen rather quickly, lasting from a few hundred to a few thousand years. Sometimes the magnetic poles reverse and remain so until the next cycle of reversal. At other times, they reverse for a brief geological moment, and then flip back to their original position, in which case it is known as a magnetic excursion. In the final phase before a reversal/excursion, the magnetic axis begins to move from its fixed position in the polar regions and travels at an ever accelerating pace towards the equator, while at the same time breaking down into several distinct polarities rather than a single north-south axis.
The exact periodicity for these magnetic reversals may not matter so much anymore, since we happen to be in the middle of a magnetic flip right now! The magnetic fields of the earth has been weakening since the early 1600’s, initially at the rate of about 5% per century and accelerating now to about 5% per decade. We are currently down to about 65-70% of our normal field strength, and continuing to weaken exponentially. Meanwhile, the magnetic axis has been shifting rapidly, currently moving at the rate of about 70-80 kilometres a year. The completion of this entire reversal process could happen within our current lifetimes!
What does this mean for us? Science researchers such as Robert Felix, Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan equate magnetic reversals with extinction events as well as evolutionary leaps. A weakened magnetic field leads to an escape of oxygen from the upper atmosphere, along with an increase in cosmic ray bombardment and ultra-violet radiation. There is also a relationship between cosmic ray bombardment and increases in volcanic and tectonic activity. All of this could lead to a rapid extermination of species, while at the same time producing extensive genetic mutations, leading to the sudden rise of new species everywhere.
There could be adaptive mechanisms taking place within certain species, including human, to cope with increases in cosmic ray activity. There could also be an evolutionary re-set linked with the breakdown and reversal of the magnetic field itself. The final phase of this reversal could happen extremely fast, perhaps over a period of a few hours or a few days. In ancient prophecy, this last phase is generally known as ‘the three days of darkness’, and carries the potential to incubate and birth an entirely new human species.
Are we preparing for the next stage of human evolution as we adapt to higher frequencies of light, changing our genetic structures and nervous system to become more multi-dimensional? Is this the basis for Sri Aurobindo’s divine human, or what the Mayans referred to as homo luminous? Our human identity derives from a series of subtle bodies linked together through the Earth’s magnetic field, including the causal body which carries the energy of the soul. What happens when the magnetic field collapses and reverses? Is this our opportunity to establish a new level of contact with the soul, extending out to a new relationship with the Self, the One Spirit that moves through all things?
By Kiara Windrider
October 21, 2019
Little ice age
Climate changes are not new. We have gone through extreme fluctuations of temperature in the past, and will continue to do so in the future. We have gone through Ice Ages where most of the earth’s surface was covered by thick layers of ice. We have gone through hot spells where entire forests and landmasses were charred to a crisp.
There are specific cycles that govern climate changes. Some of these are well known, while some of them are just now being recognised.
The Milankovic cycles, first proposed a hundred years ago by Serbian astronomer, Milutin Milankovic, provide a general explanation for long-term fluctuations in global temperature. These cycles, measuring the eccentricity of our orbit around the Sun, the axial tilt of the Earth relative to the orbital plane, and our precessional journey around the Sun relative to the fixed stars, are three major factors promoting the rise and fall of Ice Ages, and explains why some of them are relatively more severe than others.
We are currently in an interglacial period known as the Holocene epoch, having emerged from the Pleistocene Ice Ages approximately 12,000 years ago.
There are shorter-term climate cycles within the more complex Milankovic cycles, which have to do not so much with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, but with the amount of heat being currently transmitted by the Sun.
Most people are familiar with the sunspot cycle of approximately 11 years where solar output fluctuates between a ‘solar minimum’ and a ‘solar maximum’ based on our Sun’s response to surrounding electrical grids. This sunspot cycle is a subset within a larger 400 year cycle of solar activity, fluctuating between a ‘grand solar maximum’ and a ‘grand solar minimum’. This grand solar cycle is a subset within a super grand solar cycle of 2,000 years, which is in turn a subset within a 12,000 year cycle of ‘galactic superwaves' emanating from the center of our galaxy.
The cycle most relevant to us right now is the 400 year grand solar cycle. It is relevant to us because we are about to plunge towards a grand solar minimum, meaning that we are due to experience a series of sunspot cycles with minimal solar output, causing a steep drop in average temperatures worldwide, which could last for several decades, possibly an entire human lifetime.
We are currently moving out of solar cycle 24 into solar cycle 25. Many scientists predict that this transition will also signify our entry into the next grand solar minimum. Also known as a ‘little ice age’, this period between 2020 and 2055 could be catastrophic to humans if we are not prepared for it.
During the last Little Ice Age we experienced a sharp drop in global temperature between 1790 and 1830 known as the Dalton Minimum, preceded by an even colder Maunder Minimum between 1645 and 1715. These periods were characterised by long cold winters, short summers, extreme accumulations of glacial ice, and significant drops in average sea levels worldwide. Short summer seasons led to extensive crop failures, which in turn led to waves of famine, starvation, social unrest, economic hardship, disease, aggression, and war.
The next Little Ice Age is on the horizon. Already being labelled as the Eddy Minimum, it could turn out to be as severe as the Dalton Minimum or even the Maunder Minimum. The signs are everywhere. Not much of this is being covered by the mainstream media, however. There are reasons for this, which we need to examine and overcome if we wish to survive and thrive during these times to come.
By Kiara Windrider
October 20, 2019
Mann-made global warming
Although it is not my intention to do so, this particular post will probably end up irritating and alienating a few people, for which I apologise in advance.
I speak now about the fallacies within the ‘global warming’ paradigm, popularised by climatologist Michael Mann, and later taken up by Albert Gore in his Nobel prize-winning An Inconvenient Truth. This theory proposes that average global temperatures today are the hottest recorded in the past thousand years of geological history, and are continuing to escalate exponentially, as popularised in the famous ‘hockey stick’ graph. It further proposes that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are the primary cause for this global warming.
We do not have much time left before we push ourselves to extinction, they say, and therefore if the Earth is to survive we must curtail these emissions. The melting of polar ice and the release of vast underground reserves of methane is a secondary factor pushing us towards extinction. A hefty carbon tax, coupled with the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, is the answer proposed for this climate crisis.
“The science is settled,” they say, repeatedly insisting that 97% of the scientific community is on board with this model. They do not acknowledge the growing number of scientists who do not agree, and who have devised alternative models based on solar cycles and drastically opposed sets of geological and climate data. They do not take into account data revealing that global temperatures have been cooling rather than warming in the past decade, and that glaciers are actually growing rather than shrinking.
There have been long periods of time much warmer than our current age within the past thousand years. Carbon dioxide concentrations have been much greater in this same period, long before the industrial revolution began. There does seems to be a link between carbon dioxide and warming, but it seems that spikes in carbon dioxide follow rather than precede warming periods. And have we forgotten that carbon dioxide is good for plants? If this was such a big deal, why not just plant more trees or else legislate the preservation of rainforests?
Before going further, I wish to state for the record that I consider myself a guardian and protector of the Earth, caring deeply for life on this planet. Ecosystems are dying, millions of species have become extinct, our soils, seas and atmosphere have become dangerously polluted and irradiated, forests are being cut down at an alarming rate, coral reefs are being destroyed, genetically modified crops have eliminated healthy and hardy varieties of grain, and cities have become cesspools of toxic waste. Humans have certainly played a part in all this, and the politics of greed have proved more important than caring for this beautiful earth. We must take responsibility and reverse this.
But however open our hearts may be to the call of a living earth, walking in the wrong direction will not contribute to the healing and renewal of our planet. A growing number of eminent scientists have been warning us that it is not global warming but rather global cooling that we must now be concerned about.
Climate models are typically based on a limited set of measurements that work within a narrow band of assumptions. This includes the assumption that all climate changes are man-made, and that history is linear. They don’t take into consideration the changing role of the Sun, nor do they acknowledge a long term geological perspective. They don’t factor the feedback loops of a living planetary ecosystem capable of creating her own balance. They don’t understand the role of incoming cosmic and galactic rays in shaping climate variations, nor the changes wrought by earth’s shifting magnetic fields. They certainly don’t understand the cyclical nature of geological history and climate events.
Mainstream climate models are not working. Selective data is chosen to force these models to fit, while sweeping an increasingly growing set of opposing data under the rug. The mainstream media has become the propaganda arm for a dysfunctional climate paradigm presented as ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’. Politicians and international watchdogs conveniently push carbon taxes for personal gain.
I recently saw a parody of Gandhi’s original quote: “All BS goes through three stages. At first it is ridiculed. Then it is violently advertised. Then it is accepted as self-evident.” I fear that many of us, however well-intentioned we may be, may have fallen for a political scam disguised as concern for the Earth. As history has shown, if a lie is proclaimed loudly enough and frequently enough, and if the reasoning behind it is preposterous and muddy enough, people will give up their cognitive abilities for discernment. It then becomes a religion.
I do not take perverse pleasure in stirring controversies. Like most people, I would rather keep my friends than prove myself ‘right’. But sometimes it becomes important to ask ourselves why we are being lied to and what the lies are protecting. If we are heading into an age of global cooling, does it serve us to take drastic steps in the opposite direction, spraying our skies with toxic chemical compounds of barium, strontium and aluminium claiming that this will creative a reflective shield to cool off the planet, all the while continuing to poison our skies, our soils and our bodies?
Shouldn’t we be putting money and resources into studying the causes and effects of a ‘grand solar minimum’ rather than cutting off funding for any science research that doesn’t support the global warming paradigm? Shouldn’t we look at changing a climate model that doesn’t work, rather than forcing it to fit into selective and outdated facts? Shouldn’t we investigate all aspects of truth rather than launching attacks on anyone who dares question the official version? If billions could perish in the aftermath of brutal cold weather and food shortages, as happened in 17th century Europe, don’t we have a responsibility to prepare?
My task in this post is simply to raise some questions. Please do your own research. There are excellent books and videos out there, too many to name in this brief blog post. A good place to begin is David Dubyne’s Climate Revolution or John Casey’s Cold Sun. Look through youtube channels, Adapt 2030, Suspicious Observers, and Grand Solar Minimum.
Watch this fascinating interview: Check out my own book, Gaia Luminous.
By Kiara Windrider
October 20, 2019
Galactic superwaves and conscious creation
There has been a significant increase in cosmic ray activity in recent years. There are two reasons for this. One is the rapidly decreasing magnetic field of the Earth, which normally shields us from this constant bombardment of solar and galactic radiation. The other reason is that there has been a dramatic influx of cosmic dust as we enter new regions of space in our solar orbit around the centre of our galaxy.
This cosmic dust usually is usually repelled by a layer of protective plasma around the boundary of our solar system which we call the heliopause. But when it increases past a certain point, the shield connect hold up, and lets in a barrage of cosmic dust, cometary debris and ionised plasma, all racing in towards the Sun and her planetary orbs.
Astrophysicist Paul LaViolette talks about an additional source of galactic cosmic rays that we could be experiencing shortly. At the centre of our galaxy, like other spiral galaxies, is a pulsating Mother Star, which sends out periodic bursts of ionised particles, which he refers to as a galactic superwave. We could be on the verge of receiving the next superwave pulse right about now.
LaViolette makes the controversial assertion that the universe did not start with a big bang as commonly believed, but that it is in a state of continuous creation. This creative force emanates out from the centre of galaxies in the form of galactic superwaves, composed of high frequency cosmic and gamma rays. When these superwaves interact with solar systems and planets, new potentials are made available for genetic repatterning and physical creation.
These galactic pulses seem to emanate out approximately every 12,000 years, the same periodicity that we observed earlier in certain solar cycles, the timing of magnetic reversals on earth, the cycle of the yugas, and evolutionary leaps in geological history. Could these events be related somehow? Are these galactic pulses creating an entrainment field, coordinating and even directly influencing many of these cyclical events across the galaxy?
If there are packets of galactic information riding in on cosmic and gamma rays pouring in through our weakening magnetic fields, what does it mean for humans, and other life on this planet? What does it mean in terms of Gaia’s evolutionary journey? We spoke earlier of how the extinction of species and creation of new species seem to go together in times of geomagnetic collapse and reversal. What are the mechanisms for this? Could it be that incoming cosmic rays, besides having physical effects on atmospheric and seismic patterns, could also have a biological effect on planetary ecosystems? If so, how?
My own theory is that this has to do with a little understood relationship between magnetic fields and DMT. Our human bio-systems are associated with magnetic fields which link our physical bodies to subtle and causal bodies beyond. These magnetic fields, sometimes known as the mer-ka-ba, are centered around the heart. When the heart stops at the moment of physical death, this magnetic field breaks down. DMT is then released, which opens doorways to the upper worlds, so that the soul can exit its physical vehicle.
What if the same mechanism becomes activated in the last phase of a magnetic reversal? The ancient Mayans referred to this phase as the ‘three days of darkness’. The release of DMT opens doorways between the worlds, allowing a re-set in consciousness. Once the magnetic reversal is complete, the soul can then re-enter its physical vehicle, bringing with it new evolutionary capabilities. Sri Aurobindo and his spiritual partner, Mirra Alfassa, had been working on building a bridge between matter and spirit so that the supramental force, as they called it, could be anchored into the field of matter, accelerating and shaping the evolutionary journey of Gaia. Could it be that we can consciously assist in this process during the magnetic reversal, in preparation for which there are so many people awakening now on this Earth?
By Kiara Windrider
October 28, 2019
Supramental catastrophe
As we have seen earlier, there are solar, galactic and planetary cycles that have shaped our past and will continue to shape our future. Although we may not fully understand the mechanisms involved, they are linked together. There are galactic superwaves emanating from the centre of our galaxy, mini-novas of the Sun, and magnetic reversals on the Earth, each following an approximately 12,000 year cycle, all of them capable of creating cataclysmic events across the Earth and solar system, while also initiating evolutionary leaps. How do they trigger each other, and what is the sequence?
Geo-magnetic reversals have the potential to initiate extinction level events due to the slippage of Earth’s crust, a phenomenon known as crustal plate displacement. When the magnetic field nullifies, magnetohydrodynamic forces cause a layer of the mantle immediately below the 60-mile surface crust to liquefy, thus allowing the entire crust to slip to a new position under the unbalanced weight of polar ice caps. Reversals also have the potential to trigger evolutionary leaps by initiating an increase in cosmic ray activity and the resulting proliferation of new species.
Meanwhile, galactic superwaves can potentially trigger mini-nova events on the Sun, causing the entire outer shell of the Sun to eject out into space, creating massive scorching on Sun-facing sections of the Earth and other planets. Even relatively shorter cycles such as the grand solar and super grand solar minimum can greatly impact human life, as we have seen with the rise and fall of civilisations throughout these intervals of history.
Cataclysms have followed each other in clockwork succession through much of Earth’s history, and remain imprinted in our subconscious memories. Where do we stand today in terms of these recurring cycles, and what kind of impact should we expect? How should we prepare?
This is a theme that a growing number of researchers have been addressing, starting with Immanuel Velikovsky, Charles Hapgood and Chan Thomas many decades ago, then by Paul LaViolette, Robert Felix, Douglas Vogt, Randall Carlson, Graham Hancock, John Casey, Rolf Witsche, Valentina Zharkova and Ben Davidson. Although worthy of much deeper study, I would like to put this aside for the moment, and focus on Sri Aurobindo’s vision for our current age.
In speaking of the supramental descent taking place currently, he warns that this will be preceded by a supramental catastrophe. He is not talking about a super-catastrophe, as the term may seem to imply, but rather the very opposite. The supramental field is a unifying power that would tend to mitigate what could otherwise be devastating and destructive. Being a power of creation, we can choose to align with this for renewal and transformation. We can use the enormous power inherent within galactic superwaves, cosmic rays bombardments, solar events and magnetic reversals to initiate new possibilities as we align with the soul of Gaia, and support her in her own initiatory journey.
Memories of destruction and catastrophe are held deep within our collective psyche. We do not, however, need to repeat these cycles in exactly the same way. As we move from a Kali Yuga through a Dwapara Yuga and into the Satya Yuga, new potentials become available. Although we could still experience the breakdown and collapse of old structures and paradigms, this does not need to become an extinction event. Rather, we could join with the soul of Gaia and use the power of our infinite consciousness to awaken entirely new evolutionary possibilities.
Nature always provides opportunities in response to crisis. We must recognise that we are moving through not just socio-economic or political crisis, not even simply a climate or ecological crisis, but an evolutionary crisis. We cannot solve the problems of our current age from the same consciousness that created these problems. But in opening to the power of the supramental field we do have the opportunity to evolve further in ways we may not have imagined. We will explore this theme in the next series of articles: Phoenix Rising.